
Deviated(crooked) nose & functional rhinoplasty in Korea

Deviated nose surgery is a common surgery in Korea. It is as common as having an augmentation surgery though it’s considered to be one of the most challenging surgeries in the world.
Individuals who undergo deviated nose surgery are generally dissatisfied with their nose shape and wish to improve the proportions of their facial features. 
However, deviated nose surgery can not only improve external aesthetics but also internal functions of the nose according to individual conditions.

1.    How a deviated nose can be caused

1) Prior surgery

While most rhinoplasty procedures performed by qualified surgeons are successful, some patients still have crooked noses after surgery. In such cases, a revision rhinoplasty is required. The best way to avoid this problem from happening again is by doing your research and learning what caused this problem in your initial surgery and make sure your future doctor is qualified and upfront with how they will solve this problem.

2) Trauma
Because of the nose’s central location on the face, it’s easy to get injured while participating in most activities. The most common reasons that cause traumas and structural defects are fights, accidents, and sports.

3) Genetics (congenital problem)
In some cases, babies are born with a crooked nose or nasal functional problems such as a deviated nasal bone, septal deviation, sinusitis, nasal obstruction. This can be the result of congenital deformities, injuries sustained during childbirth.

* Nasal septum?
The nasal septum is the wall of bone and cartilage that divides your nose into two separate nostrils.

2. Deviated nose corrections

1) Septal deviation correction :
The nasal septum consists of bone and cartilage and refers to the structure dividing the two nostrils. Septal deviation ( deviated septum) means the septum has moved to one side which makes one nasal passage smaller than the other. It can cause difficulty in breathing. Surgery is the only way to fix this disorder.
The surgeon makes an incision on columella to approach the septum, and move it into the right position to ensure the nasal passage is widened.

2) Osteotomy
Nasal Osteotomy is a surgical procedure that corrects the location of the nasal bones by vertically cutting both sides and central part of the nose. It is considered to be a very basic procedure, however, It’s also considered one of the most important procedure to help improve the balance of facial features. JW surgeons can re-position and carve the nasal bone to achieve a patient’s desired look.

3) Cartilage correction
There are various surgical procedures to correct the deviated cartilage from the middle to the tip of the nose. When using septal nasal cartilages for rhinoplasty, we analyze the size and shape of the septal nasal cartilage accurately to create a precise surgical planning.

4) Enlarged inferior nasal terbinate

If you are suffering from a nasal obstruction resulting from the inferior nasal concha, we will cut a small part of the inferior nasal concha off or make it smaller through a high- frequency procedure during the deviated nose correction. This procedure of widening the inner space of the nose can relieve many symptoms you have been experiencing.

5) Combined surgery
Depends on the individual’s condition, multiple procedures can be performed together to correct the problems.

1.     The advantagesof deviated nose surgery in JW

“ Surgeons with over 20 years of experiences”

Rhinoplasty can have lifelong effects on your facial appearance. You should be careful when you choosing your surgeon. Ideally, a plastic surgery specialist certifications can indicate that a doctor has extensive experience in the surgery you will have as well as a good reputation.
A doctor with an outstanding reputation will typically charge more than a less experienced or less respected practitioner. However, many patients are willing to pay the extra cost because an experienced surgeon is more likely to provide the desired results they want.
Before surgery, JW surgeon conducts a precise and in-depth examination through a 3D-CT analysis on the nasal bones, the shape, the condition, and the size of the nasal soft tissue. This 3D-CT analysis helps ensure a safe and accurate operation.During the surgery, an endoscopy can be used to correct a deviated septum or nasal concha if it’s necessary.

We’ll decide the surgical plan according to the individual patient and the causes of the problem.
This is a link to an operation video performed by JW surgeon. Please check this link.

2.     Before and After

3.     Cautions before and after deviated nose surgery
There are many people who are hesitant to have a nose surgery because of the nose packing that is necessary can make breathing difficult. However, the cotton that is used for packing can be replaced witha thin silicone silastic sheet.

4. Pre-Operative Management

01. You must stop taking medications that can interfere with hemostasis (oral contraceptive pills, hormone drugs, vitamin E, aspirin, and etc.) at least two weeks before an operation. If you are currently receiving treatment for high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, or thyroid disease, you must inform your doctor or consultant in advance.

02. Cigarettes may cause phlegm, sneezing, or extra bleeding after an operation. We strongly recommend that you stop smoking for two weeks before an operation. A serious cold may reduce your trachea and respiratory functions. Please inform your doctor or consultant in advance if you have a serious cold.

5. Post-Operative Management

01. Trying to keep the area where you had surgery in a higherposition than your heart, will help reduce the swelling.
02. Apply an ice pack to the surgical site for the first two or three days.
03. Avoid severe friction and acupressure massage around the surgical sites for at least one month after an operation. As well, avoid using a sauna and taking a hot bath for at least one month
04. Refrain from smoking or drinking, which may delay your recovery, for at least four weeks after an operation.
05. You may engage in some light exercise right after the operation such as a walking. However, you must refrain from any heavy exercise such as aerobics, tennis, swimming and so on, for at least three to four weeks after an operation.

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