
[JW Plastic Surgery Center Korea] Elani Li who had Revision Rhinoplasty and Full Face Fat grafting from JW

I haven’t posted about myself for long time on a blog
I’m writing again about the post operation to tell you about my experiences

My main concerns were about I had L-shaped silicone implant from the previous operation from other clinic and did not have defined features of my face due to less volume.
 So I decided to have revision rhinoplasty and full face fat grafting from JW Plastic Surgery Center in Korea to improve of my look, also there were more possibility of skin thinning for the nose (as rhinoplasty side effect from using of l-shaped silicone implants) when patients are having of L-shaped silicone implant inside of your nose. If there are anyone who has L-shaped silicone implant please do change it to other better implants for the nose. I’m just giving an advise for the future.

So I decided to do revision rhinoplasty and fat grafting after many researches through online because there were so many of plastic surgeons and clinics in South Korea.
JW Plastic Surgery Center had most fast reply with honest answers out of so many clinics in Korea, when I had contact with many of english consultants in Korea.
Rhinoplasty done by Dr. Man Koon, Suh
Full Face Fat grafting done by Dr. Chul Hwan, Seul
As you can see from the my nose were more defined and curvy, also my appereance changed to be more defined features.

What’s app or kakaotalk id: jwbeauty777 / jwps /jwbeautykr
